Monthly Budget

App Description

Having hard time tracking your income and expenses? Need to track your account transactions? Do you find it difficult to manage your account statements?

Income and expense tracking, budgeting, accounting- just a click away. Monthly Budget App is a seamless application that helps you get a comprehensive view of your yearly income, spendings, goals, account balance and statements. Organize, itemize and swipe through your income and expenses details. Keep yourself updated about your budget without cumbersome paperwork.


  • Create the budgeted entries for your income and expenses on a monthly and yearly basis.
  • Graphically visualize different kinds of expenses incurred to the total monthly expense
  • Analyze how your monthly and annual savings change with the addition of income and expenses through bar graphs.
  • Monitor your daily expenses, % spending and weigh against the assigned budget through an expense tracker.
  • Keep a personal record of your account transactions